From BlueTulipChoc
Serving suggestions
Place truffles in your favorite bowl and serve with the liquor that you used in the recipe or with espresso.
Line truffles on a white plate with raspberries or your favorite berry, add a sprig of fresh mint.
As seen in Serendipty Magazine
6 ounces good quality chocolate-chopped
4 ounces cream
3 Tablespoons champagne or your favorite liquor
2 tablespoons honey
2 cups cacao powder in low bowl
1- place chopped chocolate & liquor in a high bowl
2- heat cream until boiling and poor over chocolate mixture,cover chocolate completely; let sit 2 minutes
3- whip chocolate with whisk, slowly at first, until mixture resembles pudding
4- whisk in honey-mixture will shine.
5- let set in refrigerator approximately 1 hour
6- roll into 1" balls and drop into cacao powder, shake bowl gently to coat truffles.
Serve in a bowl and enjoy!